Knowing Jesus and making His love known by living our lives gracefully and truthfully. John 1:14

Jesus told us the two greatest commandments were to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. As simple as that sounds, we recognize these ideals can be challenging. Instead of creating a list of beliefs that say what is right and wrong and cause others to jump to conclusions of who we are as a church by what we do or don't do, we would prefer to be like Jesus.
Jesus's primary concern was always establishing relationships. He always showed grace before he shared the truth. We believe that by following this example and living our lives full of grace and truth, that we mirror the ultimate example set by Jesus Christ. So whether you're a believer, a non-believer, or a former believer, you are invited to join us anytime. We'd love the opportunity to have a relationship with you.
Nestled in the countryside of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, our leadership and members believe God is calling us to do much more. We welcome new members to participate in the activities of our faithful church family.

The Wolgamuth Church of the Brethren is a community church located in Dillsburg, PA. Its beginnings are traced back to the 1800s as a sister congregation started by the Bermudian Church of the Brethren.
As a Church of the Brethren, we hold to many of the values of the Anabaptist movement. We affirm believer's baptism, the practice of anointing (for the sick, person's facing new challenges or prior to surgery), the service of communion and a semi-annual Love Feast service. An overview of our denomination can be viewed here - www.Brethren.org.
Even though we are a smaller congregation, our church has a BIG heart. A heart for our congregational members; a heart for our community; and, above all else, a heart for our Lord Jesus Christ. We strive to assure every member and visitor feels welcomed and appreciated.
We have a robust network of prayer warriors, a prayer shawl ministry and card ministry. We host annual family community events throughout the year and a dynamic Vacation Bible School program every summer. In addition, we provide resources and volunteers for missions in the region and across the globe.
While that is a brief overview of who we are currently, we believe God is calling us to do much more, and we welcome visitors and members to participate in the activities of our faithful church family.
Wolgamuth Church of the Brethren currently does not have a pastor. For 2023, it was decided that Wolgamuth would pursue a period of refocus on the Lord through a Plural Ministry approach. Our team based worship services include a variety of worship styles, including lay speakers and visiting pastors.
Wolgamuth is led by a Servant Leadership Team. The Servant Leadership Team (SLT) serves as the decision-making body of the church when the Congregational Forum is not in session, which is a bi-annual meeting. The SLT meets monthly to address concerns, propose recommendations and constitute changes to strengthen the church’s ministry.
Co-Chairperson - Josh Tomes
Co-Chairperson - Amy Renard
Treasurer – Jay Gerber
Lay Member – Tammy Tomes
Lay Member – Jodi Shaffer
Lay Member – Dan Felix